Laravel offers many flexible tools and components for writing code that greatly simplify the development and maintenance of web applications.

Artisan console

Artisan is a console utility built into Laravel that provides many useful commands for working with the framework. Artisan helps automate many routine tasks such as generating controllers, models, migrations, tests, etc. In addition, Artisan provides the ability to create custom commands, which allows you to automate any project-specific operations.

Eloquent ORM

Eloquent is an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) included in Laravel. It provides a simple and intuitive way to interact with a database using an object-oriented approach. With Eloquent, you can easily perform CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete), as well as interact with relationships between tables (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, etc.).

Fluent designer

Fluent is a universal query builder that allows you to create and execute database queries in PHP without using SQL. Fluent supports most types of queries, including select, insert, update, and delete records, as well as data aggregation.

Blade templating engine

Blade provides a convenient and intuitive way to create and embed templates in Laravel applications. It supports template inheritance, sections, connecting sub-templates, loops, conditional statements, and many other features.


Validation Laravel offers excellent tools for data validation. You can use both simple validation rules (required field, minimum/maximum length, uniqueness, etc.) and create your own rules.

Database version control system

Laravel offers tools for controlling database versions using migrations. Migrations allow you to track changes in the database structure and apply these changes to other servers (test, production) in an automatic mode.

Unit testing

Laravel provides built-in support for testing using the PHPUnit library. Thanks to this, developers can write tests for their application, make sure it works correctly, and prevent errors in the future.


Laravel includes convenient tools for user authentication. The framework provides a simple and flexible API for working with authentication, which makes it easy to implement various scenarios (login, registration, password recovery, etc.).
Comparing all the above-mentioned components of Laravel, we can conclude that it is adaptable and versatile. Laravel allows you to create websites of almost any complexity, providing the developer with the most convenient and well-thought-out tools.